- April-STEM-panel-speakers
- Named gift honoree Lillian
- Named gift honoree Dorothy
- Karen installs Program VP Wilzetta
- Karen installs Co-Presidents Shirley and Pat
- Guest speaker Dr. Molly Metzger
- Virginia, Susan and Karen at scrapbooking party
- Fran presents scrapbooking options
- Mary Ellen and Wilzetta
- Wanda and Linda
- Joyce and Virginia at May Luncheon
- Shirley Breeze and speaker Caroline Frederickson at Equality Day brunch
- Branch table at Ferguson Farmers Market Elaine, Virginia, Gwen and Carolyn
- Judy, Virginia, Martha and Joyce at Earth Dance organic farm
- State President Diane Ludwig speaks at opening reception
- Judy enjoys Holiday buffet.
- Linda and Pam gift wrap at Barnes & Noble.
- Linda with jewelry by The Girls.
- Lillian and Wanda play scrabble with guests at Game Day.
- Wilzetta and friends enjoy a card game.
- Judy and Pam make more coffee.
- LAF book sale at Game Day Fund Raiser.
- Gwen conducts raffle, with Tommie in foreground
- The Gateway Spotlight Chorus provided entertainment
- Branch members at Spring Fling–Virginia, Lillian, Myra
- Branch members at Spring Fling–Pat, Lovene, Shirley, Carolyn, Wanda
- “Me Time” raffle basket